Tales from the Broke Bride

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How to Tell if Your Neighbors are Meth Chemists

I know there are some sketchy characters that live in my 'hood, but for the most part, the only people I see are the people out grilling or enjoying the evening breeze as I run/jog/usually walk by. These are the good ol' boys and girls of lower middle class or upper lower class who are hanging up their nomad spurs in good ol' Middle of Nowhere, Texas. They have hourly jobs and kids and dogs, or their dogs are their kids, or their car is their kid...

Anyway, they're just human beings getting by, living the life of no tie-downs. I'm there with them. As much as I want a real roof over my head with shingles and everything, right now, that just isn't my life. I'm getting by. I'm making it work. And they are too.

Then there are the people that make me question how safe I truly am out here in the sticks.  Let me introduce you to stall #141 and how to tell if your neighbors are meth chemists.
1. There is a car that never moves.
Stall #141 has a Mercedes out front that never moves. In fact, the car is plugged into the RV. Through the trunk. I'm no mechanic, but the battery is under the hood, not in the trunk. Not sure what's being plugged in there or why.

2. You never see a person coming or going.
I've never seen a person at stall #141. Not a single person. Ever. They moved in after me, I guess in the dead of night (hey, we have that in common!), and for the past 6+ months, I haven't seen a person coming or going. The car never moves and the bills that get stapled to their door handle haven't moved either.
3. Electricity is on, but the lights never are.
The electricity is hooked up. They have power to the place. What are they using it for? No idea. Their lights are NEVER on. At least that I can see. So maybe no one is in there.
4. Water out, but no water in.
The weirdest thing: they have their drainage hooked up, but not their water line into the RV. They can put things down the toilet or down the sink, but they don't have running water to go with it. Cue Twilight Zone music. Oh and here's Rod Serling, my hero:
Watch The Twilight Zone. It's the best.
So here's what I think: it's a meth lab. They're cooking up a storm in there, or they have cooked it all and picked it up and will only return when they need more to sell.

What do you think is going on in Stall #141?

Hopefully nothing blows up,

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