Tales from the Broke Bride

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Cramped Quarters

When one lives in an RV, you constantly try to get away from it. That's just the truth. So one weekend I went home to visit my family and to get away from the RV life. It was great. I had a real living room to sit in, plus of course my family is awesome. 
I got home kind of late from the visit though, and really didn't feel like going grocery shopping. I was hungry though so I grabbed what I had to eat which was a banana that was a little too brown and a protein bar. Dinner of champions.

This banana is much fresher than the one I had.

Sometime in the middle of the night I woke up feeling incredibly nauseated. Luckily, the toilet is about 1.5 feet from the end of the bed and I made it in time. Food poisoning, yay. There I am throwing up overripe banana and fake-chocolate protein in a tiny plastic bowl in the middle of the night. To make matters worse (yes, it's possible), Milo decides to come check on me and what's going on in the little plastic bowl. Picture this: I am on my knees on the linoleum, holing my hair in my hands and resting my elbows on the bowl. Milo comes to inspect so I try to bat him away with my elbows. It's a sorry sight. I start getting really cold and shivering. I may have a fever, but it's also the coldest winter in recorded history and I'm on the cold floor in a box with paper walls. I couldn't help but think how terrible life would be if I were to run out of propane at that moment. It's enough to cause nightmares. 
At some point I go back to bed, but it was fitful and not even close to restive. I'm queasy when I finally get up and decide I'm not going anywhere for the day. I put out a very sad request to Facebook telling people how much they should pity me, when my soon-to-be-aunt-in-law messages me and asks what she can bring to me. She doesn't live far from Shady Grove and would gladly bring me food. When she doesn't take no for an answer, I tell her I just need something easy to keep down. This saintly woman shows up with bags of food and leaves it on my steps. I may be contagious. It was a smorgasbord of fresh tortilla soup, saltine crackers, bagels, and bananas. It was so touching that I wasn't even offended that she wouldn't get within 10 feet of my sickly self. To put it mildly, it was exactly what I needed (though I was a bit weary of the bananas). 
While I don't recommend anyone get sick in an RV, if it happens make sure you have loving family nearby who doesn't mind bringing you food, and make sure your WiFi is working. Who can be sick without Netflix or a good book? I'm just glad I lived to tell the tale.

Here's to checking your fruit before they go bad,

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