I know it's been such a long time since I've written, and for that I apologize.
But what a whirlwind it's been for me!
Ross and I moved into an apartment together (which was when we realized we have way too much stuff); I started a new job (which I love and seriously hope to stay at for a long time); Ross and I got married (woo hoo! It was such a great day. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it was absolutely perfect.), and we went on our honeymoon (to Turks and Caicos which is by far the most beautiful place I've ever been, and probably ever will go)!! So, I've had a lot going on. No excuses though! I know I should've been writing the whole time, and I promise to be better at keeping a posting schedule.
I'm thinking of starting a newlywed blog, though there are so many, I'm not sure how to make mine stand out.
Other than with my impeccable wit and charm, that is...
Totally stolen from SweetOnDean.blogspot.com |
For now, how about some updates?
So, Ross and I moved in together about a month before we got married. Since moving to DFW from College Station in 2011, we haven't lived closer than 45 minutes from each other. Don't get me wrong; I'm not complaining about the long distance. I know a couple that dated and were engaged when they lived several states apart. So I understand, that's not really a long distance. But when we first moved up here after college (that's right folks, I'm an Aggie. WHOOP!), it was really hard adjusting to not seeing him every day. There was a time when we went a couple months without seeing one another. It was really really rough. Like, "is it worth it?" rough. We obviously stuck it out, and made a Friday night date night part of our weekly schedules to make sure we saw each other. Things got much better. Now, we finally live not only in the same town again, but in the same house! We see each other every day! It's awesome.
Oh, and I have hot water, a bath tub that fits human beings, a laundry room with no strangers in it, heat, and a full sized
Ross and I got married! Guys, it was super fun. We wanted it to be a lighthearted celebration, and we nailed it. We had the best officiant ever (thanks, Thomas!). We had two readings and a duet by two practically-family friends that just did AMAZING jobs. One reading was the "Mawwiage" speech from The Princess Bride, which really set the tone.
Taken from DontHateTheGeek.com. Though, you spelled it wrong, so I kinda do... |
The wedding party walked in to "Here Comes the Sun" instrumental. Our best friends and siblings were standing up there with us as we said our vows. Ross's brother gave him a Ring Pop instead of my wedding band. In our recessional, this happened:
Watch The Breakfast Club if you're confused. |
My dad and I danced to a song he picked, and it was so sweet. Ross and his mom danced to a medley of songs that they love (which was a surprise and awesome). Ross and my first dance was also super sweet. I fell in love with him dancing in College Station, so it's something really special that we share. The music was great; I hardly ever left the dance floor (I'm not a good hostess.). Our cake was the bomb. And I'm pretty sure everyone had a good time.
The next day we had brunch with the fam and close friends then left for Turks and Caicos. The Turks and Caicos islands is a string of islands on the border of the Caribbean and Atlantic oceans. And it's a screensaver. Check this out:
I took this at a stop on our kayak tour. |
#nofilter |
I started my job 2 weeks before we got married. After being there about a week and a half, the company threw me a wedding shower. Who does that????? I'll tell you who: a company that cares about its employees and truly takes care of them. I'm so blessed to have found this place and been given the opportunity to work for them. After my last two places of employment, I just can't believe this place. It's a dream.
So now, Ross and I are doing our day-to-day being married thing. I gotta say, I really like the guy. ;) Seriously though, I'm loving being married to the man of my dreams who makes me laugh every day. We're friends, and that's special. I know I'm lucky.
I also know I have more stories of the trailer park to tell! Be on the lookout for the next installments soon. I wish you all the best, and thank you for sticking on this adventure with me.
God Bless Peyton Manning and his 509 touchdown passes,